επισκέπτης (ο): [episképtis]
Visitor, guest, caller - a person visiting a person or place, especially socially or as a tourist.
applications are now open for:
Episkeptes, a residency at Kimonos Art Center
Open Call 2024
Located in Paphos, Cyprus, Kimonos Art Center is an independent art center that aims to gather in its space a variety of techniques and make them available to the public through workshops and art classes.
After the successful first three editions of this project, this year Kimonos Art Center is now presenting the fourth edition of “Episkeptes", a residency program that welcomes artists from around the world to meet and interact, research and create new works in the unique spaces of the Center.
Since its beginning, Kimonos Art Center has always been a place where people could gather, exchange ideas and be creative. In the past, the Center has accommodated several artists in its studios and provided them with professional equipment and exhibition possibilities. These artists and art students had the opportunity to explore, create and further develop their work. "Episkeptes" is a continuation of this spirit, trying to bring together international artists with the local creative community.
During "Episkeptes", Kimonos Art Center will accommodate in its spaces, in separate periods, three international artists of any visual discipline (sculptors, painters, photographers, installation artists, printmakers, video and multimedia artists) for one month. They will be provided with studio space and equipment to work.
After the first 3 weeks of the residency, the Center will organize and curate, in collaboration with the participating artists, a presentation of the outcome in a local art space.
The program this year does not impose any fixed concept on the applicants, the quality of artistic creation is one of the major concerns addressed by the program. A selection committee will evaluate the applicants, based on their artistic experience, merit and project proposal.
The program is funded by the Deputy Ministry of Culture of Cyprus and supported by Petrideion Foundation.
Included in the residency:
Accommodation, with access to common kitchen and laundry facilities
Studio space and equipment
Day to day and technical assistance when necessary
Up to 250 euros for travel
1000 euros for each participant to use as pleased (materials and everyday expenses)
Dates and Duration of residency:
The residency will take place between the months of November 2024 and February 2025. The exact dates will be confirmed in communication with the Center.
The residency duration for each artist, including the final presentation/exhibition is of one month
Application information:
Project proposal (short description o of the project they are planning to work-on during the residency period)
Artist’s statement
Short bio and CV
Suggested dates for their presence
Application fee:
The application fee (non-refundable) is 25 euros paid via our website.
This fee will be used to cover the residency expenses.
Please note that, Kimonos Art Center is an independent and non-profit collective and has no profits from the organized events besides covering its basic working costs.
Application deadline:
The application deadline is on September 15th. Any application received after this date will be automatically rejected and will not be considered during the selection process.
- Results:
The results regarding the selected artists to participate will be announced on the center’s website by the 5th of October 2024.
Disciplines, work equipment:
The call is open to all visual artists of any discipline.
In case the applicants require specific requirements concerning the equipment they wish to work with, we suggest they contact Kimonos Art Center before applying, in order to confirm the availability of such equipment.
Accommodation is included in the program. Each artist is offered a private bedroom, with a private toilet and shower and has access to common kitchen and laundry facilities.
Studio / Workspace:
Each artist is assigned an individual workspace within one of the Center’s studios. These spaces are private or shared with full-time access 24/7.
Expectations towards the artist:
Artists are expected to present the work created during the residency to the public in the form of a presentation or a performance. This event is organized by Kimonos Art Center and curated by Yiannis Sakellis in collaboration with the participating artists.
For any further information please contact: